James Woodgate

James Woodgate

Sport: Archery

Age: 18


Make the Olympic team (and medal in the team event).
Medal at the World Youth Championships 2021 in Perth.
I want to be a consistent performer and medal winner both individually on the international stage and help the team around me to perform at their best in order to continue winning medal in the team events.
To win gold medals and the Olympics and World Championships.

  • 04/10/2020 Competition: 2020 International Antalya Challenge Event: Recurve, Result: 17th
  • ➢  19/01/2020 Competition: Nimes Archery Tournament Event: Junior Recurve Men, Result: 9th
  • ➢  25/08/2019 Competition: Madrid 2019 World Archery Youth Championships Event: RecurveCadet Men, Result: 17th

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What Makes Us Wonderful?

Inside and Out!

At Wall’s, we’re famous for our pastry because we only use the best. Ours is layered 64 times. It’s a recipe which ensures the lightest, crispiest, golden puff pastry this side of anywhere.

It goes without saying that our pies, pasties and slices are made using the best quality meat and vegetables, with the finest ingredients being added to make our mouth-watering sauces. We’re proud to use only the best, great tasting meat and all our great tasting savouries are guaranteed to be free from all artificial colourings and flavourings.

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