
2021 Athlete Recommendations

Sports Aid Athletes

An athlete who is nominated to SportsAid is recognised as showing the right aptitude, attitude, and talent to develop and progress in their chosen sport. The commitment and passion needed to achieve this status is substantial. The role of the family and caregivers, as well as the determination of the athlete, is not underestimated.

Athletes are nominated by their own sport’s national governing body (NGB) through a robust talent identification process, with many young athletes having already represented Great Britain or their Home Nation (England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland) at an age group level and are ranked amongst the most talented within their disciplines. This criteria is consistently applied by the NGBs, year on year, to ensure a robust and repeatable nomination process, considering both future potential as well as recent performance. SportsAid’s role is to help the NGBs in supporting athletes through their developmental process and as a steppingstone onto the next levels of their performance journey.

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What Makes Us Wonderful?

Inside and Out!

At Wall’s, we’re famous for our pastry because we only use the best. Ours is layered 64 times. It’s a recipe which ensures the lightest, crispiest, golden puff pastry this side of anywhere.

It goes without saying that our pies, pasties and slices are made using the best quality meat and vegetables, with the finest ingredients being added to make our mouth-watering sauces. We’re proud to use only the best, great tasting meat and all our great tasting savouries are guaranteed to be free from all artificial colourings and flavourings.

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